Omnisome launches Likelihood surveys

Omnisome is launching a new survey type - Likelihood surveys.

The likelihood surveys allow businesses to understand how pleased their customers are with their product or how likely they are to perform a certain action.

The new survey type is available to all Omnisome users - paid and free.

About Likelihood surveys

Likelihood surveys offer an inform way to get feedback from your customers or website visitors.

On a global scale, likelihood surveys allow to understand how pleased your customers are about your product or website. Narrowing the scope can help businesses to determine the willing of their customers or leads to perform a certain action.

Being less formal comparing to NPS or CSAT, likelihood survey receives higher conversion rates in industries where informal communication is more appropriate. It is also proven that younger audience is more willing to provide their feedback using likelihood surveys.

In addition to basic functionality, the Omnisome likelihood survey is complemented with the unique feedback mechanism. It allows businesses to receive additional feedback based on the likelihood score given.

How to get started with Likelihood surveys?

The likelihood survey type is available to all free and paid Omnisome users.

To create the survey, select to create a survey in your Omnisome dashboard. In the first step of the wizard, select the Likelihood suvey.

Select from various survey types available in the Omnisome app

Follow the steps of the wizard to adjust your likelihood survey in terms of appearance, localization, and content. You can modify the initial question and feedback questions to fit your audience.

With your survey ready, follow the integration guidelines to add your likelihood survey to your website.

All results from the likelihood survey will be available in your Omnisome dashboard for analysis and automatic score calculation.

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